
Notification regarding the change of the company name

Please be informed that as of 8 February 2019, the UAB MGF Šviesos Konversija has changed its name to Light Conversion, UAB.

Please use the new company name in all documents addressed to our company.

All other details of the company, e.g. address, phone and bank details remain the same:

Company: Light Conversion, UAB
Address: Keramiku 2B, LT-10233 Vilnius, Lithuania

Phone +370 5 2491830
E-mail: company@lightcon.com
Registration No: 222598890
VAT payer code No: LT225988917
AB SEB bankas, bank code: 70440, SWIFT: CBVI LT 2X
IBAN: LT 66 7044 0600 0109 2294