
Micromachining of Invar Foils with GHz, MHz and kHz Femtosecond Burst Modes

S. Butkus, V. Jukna, D. Paipulas, M. Barkauskas, and V. Sirutkaitis, Micromachines 8 (11), 733 (2020).

Micromachining of Transparent Biocompatible Polymers Applied in Medicine Using Bursts of Femtosecond Laser Pulses

E. Kažukauskas, S. Butkus, P. Tokarski, V. Jukna, M. Barkauskas, and V. Sirutkaitis, Micromachines 12 (11), 1093 (2020).

Milling applications with GHz burst: Investigations concerning the removal rate and machining quality

S. M. Remund, M. Gafner, M. V. Chaja, A. Urniezius, S. Butkus, and B. Neuenschwander, Procedia CIRP 94, 850-855 (2020).

Periodic surface functional group density on graphene via laser-induced substrate patterning at Si/SiO2 interface

K. A. Drogowska‑Horna, I. Mirza, A. Rodriguez, P. Kovaříček, J. Sládek, T. J. Y. Derrien, M. Gedvilas, G. Račiukaitis, O. Frank, N. M. Bulgakova et al., Nano Research 9 (13), 2332-2339 (2020).

Fabrication of Crystalline Microresonators of High Quality Factors with a Controllable Wedge Angle on Lithium Niobate on Insulator

J. Zhang, Z. Fang, J. Lin, J. Zhou, M. Wang, R. Wu, R. Gao, and Y. Cheng, Nanomaterials 9 (9), 1218 (2019).

Highly-efficient laser ablation of copper by bursts of ultrashort tuneable (fs-ps) pulses

A. Žemaitis, P. Gečys, M. Barkauskas, G. Račiukaitis, and M. Gedvilas, Scientific Reports 1 (9) (2019).

Sequential Combination of Femtosecond Laser Ablation and Induced Micro/Nano Structures for Marking Units with High-Recognition-Rate

X. Sun, W. Wang, X. Mei, A. Pan, J. Zhang, M. Li, and X. Li, Advanced Engineering Materials 8 (21), 1900350 (2019).

Terahertz broadband anti-reflection moth-eye structures fabricated by femtosecond laser processing

H. Sakurai, N. Nemoto, K. Konishi, R. Takaku, Y. Sakurai, N. Katayama, T. Matsumura, J. Yumoto, and M. Kuwata‑Gonokami, OSA Continuum 9 (2), 2764 (2019).

Laser-Induced Superelasticity in NiTinol Stent Strut

C. A. Biffi, K. Mathivanan, and A. Tuissi, Shape Memory and Superelasticity 3 (4), 377-382 (2018).


