
Effect of tissue fixation on the optical properties of structural components assessed by non-linear microscopy imaging

M. A. Markus, D. P. Ferrari, F. Alves, and F. Ramos‑Gomes, Biomed. Opt. Express 8 (14), 3988-4002 (2023).

Ketogenic diet uncovers differential metabolic plasticity of brain cells

T. Düking, L. Spieth, S. A. Berghoff, L. Piepkorn, A. M. Schmidke, M. Mitkovski, N. Kannaiyan, L. Hosang, P. Scholz, A. H. Shaib et al., Science Advances 37 (8) (2022).

Exploring two-photon optogenetics beyond 1100~nm for specific and effective all-optical physiology

T. Fu, I. Arnoux, J. Döring, H. Backhaus, H. Watari, I. Stasevicius, W. Fan, and A. Stroh, iScience 3 (24), 102184 (2021).

Label-free imaging of age-related cardiac structural changes in non-human primates using multiphoton nonlinear microscopy

A. Khan, F. Ramos‑Gomes, A. Markus, M. Mietsch, R. Hinkel, and F. Alves, Biomedical Optics Express 11 (12), 7009 (2021).