
We need to talk about laser pulse energy stability

L. Kontenis, M. Urbšas, J. Berzinš, and K. Neimontas, in Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XXIII, A. Periasamy, P. T. C. So et al., eds. (SPIE, 2023), pp. PC1238410.

All-optical sampling of few-cycle infrared pulses using tunneling in a solid

Y. Liu, S. Gholam‑Mirzaei, J. E. Beetar, J. Nesper, A. Yousif, M. Nrisimhamurty, and M. Chini, Photonics Research 6 (9), 929 (2021).

Nonlinear optical properties of 6H-SiC and 4H-SiC in an extensive spectral range

X. Guo, Z. Peng, P. Ding, L. Li, X. Chen, H. Wei, Z. Tong, and L. Guo, Optical Materials Express 4 (11), 1080 (2021).

Cascaded nonlinearities in high-power femtosecond optical parametric oscillator

I. Stasevičius, G. Martynaitis, and M. Vengris, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 3 (37), 721 (2020).

Dual-output fs/ps burst-mode laser for megahertz-rate rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering

M. E. Smyser, E. L. Braun, V. Athmanathan, M. N. Slipchenko, S. Roy, and T. R. Meyer, Optics Letters 21 (45), 5933 (2020).

High-resolution analogue of time-domain phonon spectroscopy in the transmission electron microscope

E. J. VandenBussche, and D. J. Flannigan, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2186 (378), 20190598 (2020).