
Utilizing the temporal superresolution approach in an optical parametric synthesizer to generate multi-TW sub-4-fs light pulses

A. A. Muschet, A. D. Andres, P. Fischer, R. Salh, and L. Veisz, Optics Express 3 (30), 4374 (2022).

All-optical polarization and amplitude modulation of second-harmonic generation in atomically thin semiconductors

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Compact millijoule Yb3+:CaF2 laser with 162 fs pulses

M. Loeser, C. Bernert, D. Albach, K. Zeil, U. Schramm, and M. Siebold, Optics Express 6 (29), 9199 (2021).

Broadband Mid-Infrared Source Tunable through 3-11pm Based on Yb-doped Laser and Dual OPA Setup

R. Budriunas, K. Jurkus, and A. Varanavicius, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, (OSA, 2020).

Cascaded nonlinearities in high-power femtosecond optical parametric oscillator

I. Stasevičius, G. Martynaitis, and M. Vengris, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 3 (37), 721 (2020).

SYLOS lasers – the frontier of few-cycle, multi-TW, kHz lasers for ultrafast applications at extreme light infrastructure attosecond light pulse source

S. Toth, T. Stanislauskas, I. Balciunas, R. Budriunas, J. Adamonis, R. Danilevicius, K. Viskontas, D. Lengvinas, G. Veitas, D. Gadonas et al., Journal of Physics: Photonics 4 (2), 045003 (2020).