
Spatio-spectral couplings in optical parametric amplifiers

A. D. Andres, S. W. Jolly, P. Fischer, A. A. Muschet, F. Schnur, and L. Veisz, Optics Express 8 (31), 12036 (2023).

We need to talk about laser pulse energy stability

L. Kontenis, M. Urbšas, J. Berzinš, and K. Neimontas, in Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XXIII, A. Periasamy, P. T. C. So et al., eds. (SPIE, 2023), pp. PC1238410.

Utilizing the temporal superresolution approach in an optical parametric synthesizer to generate multi-TW sub-4-fs light pulses

A. A. Muschet, A. D. Andres, P. Fischer, R. Salh, and L. Veisz, Optics Express 3 (30), 4374 (2022).

All-optical polarization and amplitude modulation of second-harmonic generation in atomically thin semiconductors

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All-optical sampling of few-cycle infrared pulses using tunneling in a solid

Y. Liu, S. Gholam‑Mirzaei, J. E. Beetar, J. Nesper, A. Yousif, M. Nrisimhamurty, and M. Chini, Photonics Research 6 (9), 929 (2021).

Compact millijoule Yb3+:CaF2 laser with 162 fs pulses

M. Loeser, C. Bernert, D. Albach, K. Zeil, U. Schramm, and M. Siebold, Optics Express 6 (29), 9199 (2021).

High repetition rate green-pumped supercontinuum generation in calcium fluoride

V. Marčiulionytė, V. Jukna, G. Tamošauskas, and A. Dubietis, Scientific Reports 1 (11) (2021).

Influence of the piezoelectric ringing on the polarisation contrast of the KRTP Pockels cell in the modulation frequency range up to 10 MHz

D. Samsonas, D. Petrulionis, D. Grigaitis, and M. Vengris, in Components and Packaging for Laser Systems VII, A. L. Glebov, and P. O. Leisher, eds. (SPIE, 2021).

Intense few-cycle visible pulses directly generated via nonlinear fibre mode mixing

R. Piccoli, J. M. Brown, Y. G. Jeong, A. Rovere, L. Zanotto, M. B. Gaarde, F. Légaré, A. Couairon, J. C. Travers, R. Morandotti et al., Nature Photonics (2021).


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