
Influence of growth temperature on carrier localization in InGaN/GaN MQWs with strongly redshifted emission band

J. Mickevičius, D. Dobrovolskas, R. Aleksiejūnas, K. Nomeika, T. Grinys, A. Kadys, and G. Tamulaitis, Journal of Crystal Growth 459, 173-177 (2017).

Intermolecular states in organic dye dispersions: excimers vs. aggregates

A. J. Musser, S. K. Rajendran, K. Georgiou, L. Gai, R. T. Grant, Z. Shen, M. Cavazzini, A. Ruseckas, G. A. Turnbull, I. D. W. Samuel et al., Journal of Materials Chemistry C 33 (5), 8380-8389 (2017).

Microsphere-aided optical microscopy and its applications for super-resolution imaging

P. K. Upputuri, and M. Pramanik, Optics Communications 404, 32-41 (2017).

Multistep Photoluminescence Decay Reveals Dissociation of Geminate Charge Pairs in Organolead Trihalide Perovskites

R. Augulis, M. Franckevičius, V. Abramavičius, D. Abramavičius, S. M. Zakeeruddin, M. Grätzel, and V. Gulbinas, Advanced Energy Materials 17 (7), 1700405 (2017).

Optical imaging of surface chemistry and dynamics in confinement

C. Macias‑Romero, I. Nahalka, H. I. Okur, and S. Roke, Science 6353 (357), 784-788 (2017).

Optically Clear and Resilient Free-Form µ-Optics 3D-Printed via Ultrafast Laser Lithography

L. Jonušauskas, D. Gailevičius, L. Mikoliūnaitė, D. Sakalauskas, S. Šakirzanovas, S. Juodkazis, and M. Malinauskas, Materials 1 (10), 12 (2017).

Optically induced metastability in Cu(In,Ga)Se2

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Performance tests of the 5 TW, 1 kHz, passively CEP-stabilized ELI-ALPS SYLOS few-cycle laser system (Conference Presentation)

T. Stanislauskas, R. Budriunas, G. Veitas, D. Gadonas, J. Adamonis, A. Aleknavičius, G. Masian, Z. Kuprionis, D. Hoff, G. G. Paulus et al., in High-Power, High-Energy, and High-Intensity Laser Technology III, J. Hein, ed. (SPIE, 2017).

Phase-locked multi-terahertz electric fields exceeding 13  MV/cm at a 190  kHz repetition rate

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Picosecond Fresnel transmission electron microscopy

K. B. Schliep, P. Quarterman, J. Wang, and D. J. Flannigan, Applied Physics Letters 22 (110), 222404 (2017).







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