
Electrostatics Trigger Interfacial Self-Assembly of Bacterial Ice Nucleators

F. Madzharova, M. Bregnhøj, A. S. Chatterley, K. B. Løvschall, T. Drace, L. S. A. Dreyer, T. Boesen, and T. Weidner, Biomacromolecules 2 (23), 505-512 (2021).

Energy transfer in (PEA)2FAn-1PbnBr3n+1 quasi-2D perovskites

D. Litvinas, R. Aleksiejūnas, P. Ščajev, P. Baronas, V. Soriūtė, C. Qin, T. Fujihara, T. Matsushima, C. Adachi, and S. Juršėnas, Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2021).

Excited-state properties of Y-series small molecule semiconductors

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Fast optical recording of neuronal activity by three-dimensional custom-access serial holography

W. Akemann, S. Wolf, V. Villette, B. Mathieu, A. Tangara, J. Fodor, C. Ventalon, J. Léger, S. Dieudonné, and L. Bourdieu, Nature Methods 1 (19), 100-110 (2021).

Femtosecond Laser-Induced Periodic Surface Structures on 2D Ti-Fe Multilayer Condensates

O. V. Kuznietsov, G. D. Tsibidis, A. V. Demchishin, A. A. Demchishin, V. Babizhetskyy, I. Saldan, S. Bellucci, and I. Gnilitskyi, Nanomaterials 2 (11), 316 (2021).

Flexible and Transparent Oligothiophene-o-Carborane-Containing Hybrid Films for Nonlinear Optical Limiting Based on Efficient Two-Photon Absorption

W. Feng, K. Liu, J. Zang, G. Wang, R. Miao, L. Ding, T. Liu, J. Kong, and Y. Fang, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2021).

Focal spot optimization through scattering media in multiphoton lithography

B. Buchegger, A. Haghofer, D. Höglinger, J. Jacak, S. Winkler, and A. Hochreiner, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 142, 106607 (2021).

Functional surface formation by efficient laser ablation using single-pulse and burst-modes

A. Žemaitis, M. Gaidys, J. Mikšys, P. Gečys, and M. Gedvilas, in Laser Applications in Microelectronic and Optoelectronic Manufacturing (LAMOM) XXVI, C. Molpeceres, A. Narazaki et al., eds. (SPIE, 2021).







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