
Membrane water for probing neuronal membrane potentials and ionic fluxes at the single cell level

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Performance demonstration of the PEnELOPE main amplifier HEPA~I using broadband nanosecond pulses

D. Albach, M. Loeser, M. Siebold, and U. Schramm, High Power Laser Science and Engineering 7 (2018).

Structural dynamics upon photoexcitation-induced charge transfer in a dicopper(i)–disulfide complex

M. Naumova, D. Khakhulin, M. Rebarz, M. Rohrmüller, B. Dicke, M. Biednov, A. Britz, S. Espinoza, B. Grimm‑Lebsanft, M. Kloz et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 9 (20), 6274-6286 (2018).

Supercontinuum generation and soliton self-compression in χ(2)-structured KTiOPO4

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Transferring the entatic-state principle to copper photochemistry

B. Dicke, A. Hoffmann, J. Stanek, M. S. Rampp, B. Grimm‑Lebsanft, F. Biebl, D. Rukser, B. Maerz, D. Göries, M. Naumova et al., Nature Chemistry 3 (10), 355-362 (2018).

Transmittance and phase matching of BBO crystal in the 3-5 µm range and its application for the characterization of mid-infrared laser pulses

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53 W average power CEP-stabilized OPCPA system delivering 55 TW few cycle pulses at 1 kHz repetition rate

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Broadly tunable ultrafast pump-probe system operating at multi-kHz repetition rate

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Crossing the threshold of ultrafast laser writing in bulk silicon

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Development of simple and robust femtosecond optical parametric oscillator for multiphoton imaging

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