
SYLOS lasers – the frontier of few-cycle, multi-TW, kHz lasers for ultrafast applications at extreme light infrastructure attosecond light pulse source

S. Toth, T. Stanislauskas, I. Balciunas, R. Budriunas, J. Adamonis, R. Danilevicius, K. Viskontas, D. Lengvinas, G. Veitas, D. Gadonas et al., Journal of Physics: Photonics 4 (2), 045003 (2020).

Thin-disk laser-pumped OPCPA system delivering 44 TW few-cycle pulses

M. Kretschmar, J. Tuemmler, B. Schütte, A. Hoffmann, B. Senfftleben, M. Mero, M. Sauppe, D. Rupp, M. J. J. Vrakking, I. Will et al., Optics Express 23 (28), 34574 (2020).

Direct measurement of electron numbers created at near-infrared laser-induced ionization of various gases

A. Sharma, M. N. Slipchenko, K. A. Rahman, M. N. Shneider, and A. Shashurin, Journal of Applied Physics 19 (125), 193301 (2019).

Greater than 50 times compression of 1030 nm Yb:KGW laser pulses to single-cycle duration

C. Lu, W. Wu, S. Kuo, J. Guo, M. Chen, S. Yang, and A. H. Kung, Optics Express 11 (27), 15638 (2019).

Supercontinuum generation by co-filamentation of two color femtosecond laser pulses

M. Vengris, N. Garejev, G. Tamošauskas, A. Čepėnas, L. Rimkus, A. Varanavičius, V. Jukna, and A. Dubietis, Scientific Reports 1 (9) (2019).

100-kHz, dual-beam OPA delivering high-quality, 5-cycle angular-dispersion-compensated mid-infrared idler pulses at 31 µm

Z. Heiner, V. Petrov, G. Steinmeyer, M. J. J. Vrakking, and M. Mero, Optics Express 20 (26), 25793 (2018).

Characteristics of optical parametric oscillator synchronously pumped by Yb:KGW laser and based on periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate crystal

J. Vengelis, A. Tumas, I. Pipinytė, M. Kuliešaitė, V. Tamulienė, V. Jarutis, R. Grigonis, and V. Sirutkaitis, Optics Communications 410, 774-781 (2018).

Direct compression of 170-fs 50-cycle pulses down to 1.5 cycles with 70% transmission

Y. Jeong, R. Piccoli, D. Ferachou, V. Cardin, M. Chini, S. Hädrich, J. Limpert, R. Morandotti, F. Légaré, B. E. Schmidt et al., Scientific Reports 1 (8) (2018).

Hollow-core fiber compression of a commercial Yb:KGW laser amplifier

J. E. Beetar, F. Rivas, S. Gholam‑Mirzaei, Y. Liu, and M. Chini, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 2 (36), A33 (2018).

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