
Dynamics of High-Energy Multimode Raman Solitons

M. Ferraro, M. Zitelli, F. Mangini, D. S. Kharenko, A. Niang, and S. Wabnitz, in 2020 22nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), (IEEE, 2020).

Femtosecond streaking in ambient air

A. Korobenko, K. Johnston, M. Kubullek, L. Arissian, Z. Dube, T. Wang, M. Kübel, A. Y. Naumov, D. M. Villeneuve, M. F. Kling et al., Optica 10 (7), 1372 (2020).

High-resolution analogue of time-domain phonon spectroscopy in the transmission electron microscope

E. J. VandenBussche, and D. J. Flannigan, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2186 (378), 20190598 (2020).

Highly scalable multicycle THz production with a homemade periodically poled macrocrystal

F. Lemery, T. Vinatier, F. Mayet, R. Aßmann, E. Baynard, J. Demailly, U. Dorda, B. Lucas, A. Pandey, and M. Pittman, Communications Physics 1 (3) (2020).

Impact of nonlinear effects on transmission losses of hollow-core antiresonant negative curvature optical fiber

S. Wu, B. Siwicki, R. M. Carter, F. Biancalana, J. D. Shephard, and D. P. Hand, Applied Optics 16 (59), 4988 (2020).

Investigation of laser-induced damage and related multiphoton absorption changes in lithium niobate crystals at high repetition rate femtosecond pump

I. Pipinytė, V. Tamulienė, J. Vengelis, M. Sirutavičius, R. Grigonis, and V. Sirutkaitis, Optical Engineering 01 (59), 1 (2020).

Sub-Picosecond Optical Response of Metals Due to Non-Thermalized Electron Dynamics

L. Li,  and Liang Zhang, L. Zhang, Y. Zhong, E. N. Wang, Z. Chen, L. Guo,  and,  and,  and et al., ES Energy & Environment (2020).

Supercontinuum generation and optical damage of sapphire and YAG at high repetition rates

R. Grigutis, G. Tamošauskas, V. Jukna, A. Risos, and A. Dubietis, Optics Letters 16 (45), 4507 (2020).

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