
Precision parts are mean parts of high mechanical or scientific accuracy. High precision laser cutting involves the development and production of parts for multiple industries such as watches, jewelry, consumer electronics, and others.

Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Manufacturing jewelry parts, stamps, musical and medical instruments from brass has a long history. Precision parts made of brass are still widely used. For example, in the watchmaking industry, gears are made of brass.

Femtosecond lasers enable such brass processing with extremely high precision. 

PHAROS or CARBIDE lasers are the most common choices. Equipped with BiBurst, both lasers can help to improve processing efficiency and quality.

  • 100 fs – 20 ps 连续可调脉宽
  • 最大单脉冲能量 4 mJ
  • 最小脉宽输出 < 100 fs
  • POD 和 BiBurst 功能
  • 高达 5 次谐波或可调谐扩展
  • CEP 稳定或重复频率锁定
  • 热稳定性和密封设计
  • 190 fs – 20 ps 连续可调脉宽
  • 最大输出 1 mJ @ 120 W 或 2 mJ @ 80 W
  • 单脉冲 – 2 MHz 重复频率
  • POD 和 BiBurst 功能
  • 高达 5 次谐波或可调谐扩展
  • 风冷型号
  • 紧凑的工业级设计
  • Burst-in-burst 功能– BiBurst,即脉冲串包含子脉冲串功能
  • 1 kHz – 2 MHz 载波频率
  • 190 fs – 20 ps 连续可调脉宽
  • 可调节的振幅斜率
  • 可调整GHz和MHz的脉冲数

Dual Channel Microfluidics for Mimicking the Blood–Brain Barrier

B. Buchroithner, S. Mayr, F. Hauser, E. Priglinger, H. Stangl, A. R. Santa‑Maria, M. A. Deli, A. Der, T. A. Klar, M. Axmann et al., 2 (15), 2984-2993 (2021).

Smart Inlays for Simultaneous Crack Sensing and Arrest in Multifunctional Bondlines of Composites

C. von der Heide, J. Steinmetz, M. J. Schollerer, C. Hühne, M. Sinapius, and A. Dietzel, Sensors 11 (21), 3852 (2021).

Micromachining of Invar Foils with GHz, MHz and kHz Femtosecond Burst Modes

S. Butkus, V. Jukna, D. Paipulas, M. Barkauskas, and V. Sirutkaitis, Micromachines 8 (11), 733 (2020).