

FLINT femtosecond oscillators and PHAROS femtosecond lasers are used for repetition rate locking applications, one of the biggest being the locking and synchronization to synchrotrons, e.g., the world’s brightest storage-ring-based X-ray radiation source PETRA III at DESY. A synchronized laser system enables time-resolved experiments and can also be used as a synchronized switch for other physical variables, such as a magnetic field.

Coupled with the necessary feedback electronics, the repetition rate of FLINT or PHAROS is synchronized to an external RF source using the two piezo stages installed inside the cavity. The repetition rate locking system can assure an integrated timing jitter of less than 200 fs for RF reference frequencies larger than 500 MHz. A continuous phase shifting is available on request.

  • 11 Mhz、40 Mhz 或 76 Mhz 的重复频率
  • <50 fs 的脉宽
  • 最高可达 20 W 的高功率型号
  • 最高可达 0.6 µJ 的高能量型号
  • 高输出稳定性的工业级设计
  • CEP 稳定或重复频率锁定
  • 100 fs – 20 ps 连续可调脉宽
  • 最大单脉冲能量 4 mJ
  • 最小脉宽输出 < 100 fs
  • POD 和 BiBurst 功能
  • 高达 5 次谐波或可调谐扩展
  • CEP 稳定或重复频率锁定
  • 热稳定性和密封设计

The time-resolved hard X-ray diffraction endstation KMC-3 XPP at BESSY II

M. Rössle, W. Leitenberger, M. Reinhardt, A. Koç, J. Pudell, C. Kwamen, and M. Bargheer, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 3 (28) (2021).

Structural dynamics upon photoexcitation-induced charge transfer in a dicopper(i)–disulfide complex

M. Naumova, D. Khakhulin, M. Rebarz, M. Rohrmüller, B. Dicke, M. Biednov, A. Britz, S. Espinoza, B. Grimm‑Lebsanft, M. Kloz et al., Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 9 (20), 6274-6286 (2018).

Transferring the entatic-state principle to copper photochemistry

B. Dicke, A. Hoffmann, J. Stanek, M. S. Rampp, B. Grimm‑Lebsanft, F. Biebl, D. Rukser, B. Maerz, D. Göries, M. Naumova et al., Nature Chemistry 3 (10), 355-362 (2018).

Time-resolved pump and probe x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy at beamline P11 at PETRA III

D. Göries, B. Dicke, P. Roedig, N. Stübe, J. Meyer, A. Galler, W. Gawelda, A. Britz, P. Geßler, H. S. Namin et al., Review of Scientific Instruments 5 (87), 053116 (2016).

XMCD microscopy with synchronized soft X-ray and laser pulses at PETRA III for time-resolved studies

P. Wessels, M. Schlie, M. Wieland, J. Ewald, G. Abbati, S. Baumbach, J. Overbuschmann, T. Nisius, A. Vogel, A. Neumann et al., Journal of Physics: Conference Series 463, 012023 (2013).